Tag: Amazon Aurora

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How is Aurora better then other RDS engine?

Amazon Aurora offers several significant advantages over other RDS engines, making it a compelling choice for many database workloads: Performance and Scalability: High Availability and Durability: Cost-Effectiveness: Other Advantages: When to Choose Aurora: When to Choose Other RDS Engines: Overall, Aurora’s superior performance, scalability, availability, and cost-effectiveness make it a popular choice for modern database […]

My Blogs

Multi-AZ Vs Read Replicas in AWS RDS with Amazon Aurora

The concepts of Multi-AZ and Read Replicas apply to Amazon Aurora as well, but with some key differences and additional considerations due to Aurora’s unique architecture: Multi-AZ Deployments (High Availability): Read Replicas (Read Scalability): Choosing Between Multi-AZ and Read Replicas: Additional Considerations for Aurora: