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What is AWS Code Build? How AWS Code Build Works?

AWS Code Build Work Flow

Imagine you’re working on a big project, and you need a way to put together all the pieces of your code, test it, and get it ready for deployment. AWS CodeBuild is like having a personal, cloudbased builder that does all the heavy lifting for you. It’s a fully managed build service that compiles your source code, runs tests, and produces deployable software packages, so you don’t have to worry about setting up or managing your own build servers.

 How AWS CodeBuild Works

Now, let’s break down how AWS CodeBuild operates, using a relatable analogy:

1.  Buildspec File (Recipe Book) :

    Imagine you’re a chef with a recipe book. In CodeBuild, this recipe book is the `buildspec.yml` file. This file contains detailed instructions on how to prepare your dish—what steps to follow, what ingredients to use, and how to cook them. It specifies the sequence of commands that CodeBuild will execute to build and test your code.

2.  Source Code & Dependencies (Ingredients ):

    Your ingredients are your source code and any dependencies needed for your project. These are typically stored in a repository like AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, or Bitbucket. CodeBuild fetches these ingredients at the start of the build process.

3.  Build Environment (Chef’s Station ):

    CodeBuild provides a fully equipped chef’s station, known as the build environment. This environment is preconfigured with popular programming languages and build tools, so you have everything you need to cook up your build. You can also customize this environment to suit your specific needs.

4.  Build Process (Preparing the Dish):

    The build process is like following the recipe stepbystep. CodeBuild takes your source code, compiles it, runs tests to ensure everything is working correctly, and packages it into deployable artifacts. This is like cooking the dish according to the recipe and making sure it tastes perfect.

5.  Testing (Quality Check ):

    Before serving the dish, you run a quality check. CodeBuild runs your unit tests and other checks to make sure the build is perfect, just like tasting the dish to ensure it’s delicious.

6.  Deploying Artifacts (Serving the Dish) :

    Once everything is ready, the artifacts are served. CodeBuild packages the final build and stores it in an artifact repository like Amazon S3, ready to be deployed using services like AWS CodeDeploy. This is like plating the dish and getting it ready to serve to your guests.

 Scaling the Kitchen

One of the best parts about CodeBuild is its ability to scale. If you have many orders (build requests) coming in, it can scale up automatically to handle the load, ensuring that builds are not waiting in a queue. Once the rush is over, it scales down, so you’re only paying for the resources you actually use.

 Continuous Improvement

With each build, you can refine your recipes, improve your ingredients, and optimize your process. CodeBuild ensures that every time you push a new change, it goes through the same reliable and efficient process, delivering consistent and highquality results.

 Putting It All Together

In essence, AWS CodeBuild is like having a topnotch automated chef in your tech kitchen, ensuring your code is always tested, built, and ready to deploy with minimal hassle and maximum efficiency.

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