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Instance Store Vs EBS

As part of instance store in AWS, whatever the storage comes with the instance by default is the instance store, however, if I attach extra EBS volume while lauching the instance. Does this extra EBS volume be considered as Instance store?

No, an EBS volume attached to an EC2 instance, even during launch, is not considered instance store. There’s a fundamental difference between the two storage options:

  • Instance Store: This is temporary storage directly attached to the physical host running your EC2 instance. Data on instance store is lost when the instance stops, terminates, or experiences a hardware failure.
  • EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volume: This is persistent block storage that exists independently of the EC2 instance. EBS volumes can be attached, detached, and even migrated to different instances. Data on EBS volumes is persistent and survives instance stops, terminations, and even hardware failures.

So, even if you attach an EBS volume during launch, it remains a separate entity from the instance store. It provides persistent storage for your data, independent of the instance’s lifecycle.

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